MAWS 2022: Tuesday June 21–Sunday June 26

WELCOME! WELCOME!! WELCOME!!! The time has come for another fabulous, informative, stimulating Montana Association of Weavers and Spinners (MAWS) conference loaded with opportunities at every level for learning, laughter, and fun. Come, feed your creative hunger, nourish your intellectual curiosity, indulge your fiber fantasies, and nurture friendships, old and new. On…

Save the Reef

An exhibit by weaver Doris Florig and friends with text by poet Matt Daly Doris Florig sends a conservation message with her “Save the Reef” fiber art exhibit. Check out this video for a sampling of the work on display:

Holter Museum Blanket

In the autumn of 2019, HWSG was proud to host an exhibit of fiber arts at the Holter Museum of Art in Helena. Among the amazing variety of gorgeous artworks, there were warped looms set up for demonstrations where attendees were invited to try their hand at weaving blankets. HWSG…