Guild Library

Updated February 18, 2024 (download the list)


Adventures in Yarn Farming—Barbara Parry, 2013

African Textiles—Christopher Spring, 1989 (oversized)

Alternatives to a Fig Leaf—Barbara Whittenberg

American Woven Coverlets—Carol Strickler ,1987      

Ancient Dyes for Modern Weavers—Palmy Weigle, 1974

Anni Albers: On Designing, 1961

Anni Albers: On Weaving, 1965

Art of Color, The—Johannes Itten (oversized)

Art of Weaving, The—Else Regensteiner, 1970 (hardback)

Baby, Baby, Baby: A Baker’s Dozen—Handweavers Guild of America

Basket-Making—Polly Pollock, 1994

Baskets, How to Make: Book 6—Lyn Siler, 1985

Basketry: A Modern Approach—Dona Meilach

Basketry, The New—Ed Rossbach

Basketry Today—Dona Meilach and Dee Menagh

Basketry: 18 Easy and Beautiful Baskets—B.J. Crawford, 2003

Bayeux Tapestry: A Gallery of Masterpieces—Andre Lejard

Beadweaving: New Needle Techniques and Original Designs—Ann Benson, 1996

Bertha Hayes—Miniatures Sample book (notebook)

Best of Handwoven: Top Ten Towels—download printed

Beyond Craft: The Art Fabric—Mildred Constantine and Jack Lenor Larsen, 1972 (oversized)

Big Book of Weaving, The—Laila Lundell, 2005/USA 2008

Bolivian Highland Weaving, The Art of—Majorie Cason and Adele Cahlander, 1976

Book of Spinning, The Ashford—Anne Field, 1986, revised 1999

Borja Vav (children’s weaving book, Swedish)—Tina and Bengt Arne Ignell, 2005

Braids: 250 Patterns from Japan, Peru, and Beyond—Rodrick Owen, 1995

Byways in Handweaving—Mary Meigs Atwater, copy 1 (First edition)

Byways in Handweaving—Mary Atwater, 1954, copy 2

Card Weaving or Tablet Weaving—Russell E. Groff, 1969, copy 1

Card Weaving or Tablet Weaving—Russell E. Groff, 1969, copy 2

Card Weaving—Candace Crockett, 1973, copy 1

Card Weaving—Candace Crockett, 1973 copy 2

Card Weaving—Ruth J. Katz,

Charlie Needs A Cloak—Tomie dePaola, 1973, copy 1

Charlie Needs A Cloak—Tomie dePaola, 1973, copy 2

Charted Borders, Bands and Corners—Sandra Urban, 1981

Clans and Tartans of Scotland, The—Robert Bains

Classic Textile Designs—M. duPont-Auberville, 1989 (oversized)

Clothing from the Hands That Weave—Anita Mayer, 1984, copy 1

Clothing from the Hands that Weave—Anita Mayer, 1984, copy 2

Colonial Coverlets—sample book, Jane Busse

Color and Fiber—Patricia Lambert, Barbara Staepelaere and Mary G. Fry, 1986

Color and Texture in Weaving: 150 Contemporary Designs—Margo Selby, 2011

Color Exercises for the Weaver—Palmy Weigle, 1976

Color in Spinning—Deb Menz, 1998, #2 (Lorri)

Colorworks: The Crafter’s Guide to Color—Deb Menz, 2004 (missing)

ColorWorks: The Crafter’s Guide to Color—Deb Menz, 2004 (includes color cards and color wheel) #2 (Lorri)

Complete Spinning Book, The—Candace Crockett, 1977

Contemporary Tapestry—Harriet Tidball, 1964 (Monograph 12)

Contemporary Weaving Patterns—Margo Selby, 2010*

Contemporary Wicker Basketry—Flo Hoppe, 1996, #2 (Lorri)

Coverlet Book, The: Vol. 1 & 2—Helene Bress, 2003

Crackle Weave Companion: Four Shaft Crackle—Lucy Brusic, 2012, copy 1

Crackle Weave Companion: Four Shaft Crackle—Lucy Brusic, 2012, copy 2

Crackle Weave, The—Mary Snyder, 1961

Craft of Handweaving, The—Iona Plath, 1972

Creating with Card Weaving—Sally Specht and Sandra Rawlings, 1973

Creative Monks Belt—Margaret Windeknecht, Shuttle Craft Guild Monograph 30, 1976

Creative Overshot—Margaret Windeknecht, Shuttle Craft Guild, Monograph 31, 1978

Creative Spinning—Alison Daykin and Jane Deane, 2007

Creativity and Design: The Lateral Thought Process—Birgit Barron, 1988 (workshop)

Cut My Cote—Dorothy Burnham, 1973

Den Stora Vavboken—Mary Block

Design Motifs of Ancient Mexico—Jorge Enciso, 1953

Designer Diagonals: Patterns for Bias Clothing—Virginia West, 1988, copy 1

Designer Diagonals: Patterns for Bias Clothing—Virginia West, 1988, copy 2

Designing and Drafting for Handweavers—Berta Frey, 1958, copy 1

Designing and Drafting for Handweavers—Berta Frey, 1975, copy 1, First edition

Designing and Drafting for Handweavers—Berta Frey, 1975, copy 2, First edition (Brenda Gilmer)

Designing and Drafting for Handweavers—Berta Frey, 1975, copy 3

Designing and Making Handwoven Rugs—Tod and Del Deo, 1957

Designing on the Loom—Mary Kirby, 1955

Designing to Weave and Sew—Jean Scorgie

Designing with the Wool, Advanced Techniques in Navajo Weaving—Noel Bennett, 1979

Doubleweave (revised and expanded)—Jennifer Moore, 2018

Double Weave—Palmy Weigle, 1978

Double Weave, Plain and Patterned—Harriet Tidball, 1960 

Double Weave, The—Harriet Douglas

Double Weave: Theory and Practice—Laya Brostof, 1979, copy 1  

Double Weave: Theory and Practice—Laya Brostof, 1979, copy 2

Draft Solutions Workbook for Overshot Class—Elizabeth Tritthart, 2023

Drafting Primer—Susan Guagliumi

Dye Plants and Dyeing: A handbook, 1971

Dye-Pot, The—Mary Frances Davidson, 1950

Dyer, The New—Sally Vincent and Jeanie Crowder, 1981

Dyer’s Companion, The—Dagmar Klos, 2004

Early American Weaving and Dyeing—J. and R. Bronson

Elements of Weaving—Azalea Stuart Thorpe and Jack Lenor Larsen, 1967

Encyclopedia of Hand Spinning, The—Mabel Ross, 1988

Encyclopedia of Hand-Weaving—Stanislaw Zielinski, 1959

Essentials of Yarn Design for Handspinners, The—Mabel Ross, 1983       

Extended Manifold Twill Weaves—based on Dr. William Bateman’s manuscript, Virginia Harvey

Fashions from the Loom—Betty J. Beard, 1980

Felt: New Directions for An Ancient Craft—Gunilla Paetau Sjoberg, 1996

Felting—Marlie Claessen

Felt to Stitch: Creative Felting for Textile Artists—Sheila Smith, 2006

Fiber Facts—Bette Hochber

Fiberarts Design Book, The—Fiberarts, Ashville, NC 1980

Field Guide to Fleece, The— Deborah Robson and Carol Ekarius, 2013

Final Steps, The: Finishing Cloth by Hand—Beverly Gordon

Finger Weaving: Indian Braiding—Alta Turner, Cherokee Pub.

Finishing in the Ethnic Tradition—Suzanne Baizerman and Karen Searle, 1978

Finishing Touches for the Handweaver—Virginia West, 1988, copy 1

Finishing Touches for the Handweaver—Virginia West, 1988, copy 2

Fleece and Fiber Sourcebook—Deborah Robson and Carol Ekaris, 2011

Game of Weaving, The—Osma Couch Gallinger, 1938

Garments for an Exhibition—Kathy Edelman Hutchinson

Hand Weaver’s Notebook—Sharon Alderman, 1990, copy 1

Hand Weaver’s Notebook—Sharon Alderman, 1990, copy 2

Hand Weaving Patterns from Finland—Helvi Pyysalo and Viivi Merisalo, 1960, copy 1

Hand Weaving Patterns from Finland—Helvi Pyysalo and Viivi Merisalo, 1960, copy 2

Hand Woven Rugs—Mary M. Atwater, 1948

Handbok I Veving—J. W. Cappelens Forlag

Handloom Weaves, The—Harriet Tidball, 1957, copy 1

Handloom Weaves, The—Harriet Tidball, 1957, copy 2

Handloom Weaving Technology—Allen Fannin, 1979

Hands-On Dyeing—Betsy Blumenthal, Kathryn Kreider, 1988

Hands-On Rigid Heddle Weaving—Betty Davenport, 1987

Hands-On Spinning—Lee Raven, 1987

Handspindle Treasury, A—B. J. Crawford, 2003

Handspinner’s Handbook—Bette Hochberg

Handspinning: Art and Technique—Allen Fannin, 1970

Handweaver’s Instruction Manual—Harriet Douglass, 1949 (spiral bound)

Handweaver’s Instruction Manual—Harriet C. Douglas, 1949, copy 1

Handweaver’s Instruction Manual—Harriet C. Douglas, 1940, copy 2

Handweaver’s Pattern Book—Marguerite Davison, 1944, copy 1

Handweaver’s Pattern Book—Marguerite Davison, 1944, copy 2

Handweaver’s Pattern Book—Marguerite Davison, 1944, copy 3

Handweaver’s Pattern Book—Marguerite Davison, 1944, copy 4

Handweaver’s Pattern Book—Marguerite Davison, 1977 edition, copy 5

Handweaver’s Pattern Book—Marguerite Davison, 1944, copy 6

Handweaver’s Pattern Directory—Anne Dixon, 2007

Handweaver’s Workbook—Heather Thorpe, 1956

Handwoven Designer Patterns: Jackets and Blouses—Jean Scorgie

Handwoven Designer Patterns: Over Layers—Jean Scorgie,1986

Handwoven Specialties and Merry Christmas Handweavers!—Harriet Tidball, 1963

Handwoven, Tailormade—Sharon Alderman and Kathryn Wertenberger, 1982, copy 1

Handwoven, Tailormade—Sharon Alderman and Kathryn Wertenberger, 1982, copy 2

Handwoven Treasury—Jane Patrick, 1989

High Whorling—Priscilla Gibson-Roberts, 1998

How To Fit Commercial Patterns—Daryl Lancaster, 1999

Huck Lace: The Best of Weaver’s—Madelyn van der Hoogt, ed., 2000

Ikat—Lydia Van Gelder

Ikat II—Lydia Van Gelder

Ikat: The Essential Handbook to Weaving Resist-Dyed Cloth—Mary Zicafoose, 2020

Ikat: Workbook from Convergence 1982—Junko Sato Pollack

Ikat Weaving, Japanese—Jun and Norido Tomits

In Sheep’s Clothing: A Handspinner’s Guide to Wool—Fournier, Nola, and Jane, 1995

Indian Basket Making—Navajo School of Indian Basketry

Indian Basketry—George Horton James

Inkle Pattern Directory, The Weavers’—Anne Dixon 2010, copy 2

Inkle Weaving—Helene Bress, rev.1990

Inkle Weaving—Lavinia Bradley

Inlay Weaves for Linens—Jeanette Jones

Inventive Weaving on a Small Loom (Rigid Heddle)—Syne Mitchell, 2015

Joy of Handweaving, The—Osma Gallinger Tod, 1964

Jul (Scandinavian Christmas designs for counted cross-stitch)—1971

Keep Me Warm One Night: Early Handweaving In Eastern Canada—Burnham, H.B. & D.K., 1975 (oversized)

Kentucky Coverlets—Lou Tate, 1938

Key to Weaving, The—Mary Black

Khadi: How and Why (hand spun cloth)—M K Gandhi

Knitting Pattern Notebook—various knitting designers

Knitting, Adventures in—Barbara Aytes, 1968

Kumihimo Techniques of Japanese Plaiting—Jules and Kaethe Kliot,

Lace and Lacey Weaves—Mary Snyder, 1960

Learning to Warp Your Loom—Joanne Hall, 2009 copy 1–6

Learning to Weave—Deborah Chandler, 1995

Leno: Issue 6Prairie Wool Companion, Summer 1983

Lichens for Vegetable Dyeing—Eileen Bolton

Lichens, How to Know—Mason Hale, 1979

Linen: From Flax Seed to Woven Cloth—Linda Heinrich, 2010

Linen Heirlooms—Constance D. N. Gallagher

Looking At Twills—Leslie Voiers, 1983 (samples in book)

Loom Construction—Jeri Hjert and Paul von Rosenteil, 1978

Mabel Ross—1983 (includes thickness and twist-angle guides)

Making Kumihimo: Japanese Interlaced Braids—Roderick Owen

Manual of Swedish Handweaving—Ulla Cyrus-Zetterstrom, 1977, copy 1

Manual of Swedish Handweaving—Ulla Cyrus-Zetterstrom, 1984, copy 2

Master Weaver: Vol. 1—S.A. Zielinski

Mastering Weave Structures—Sharon Alderman, 2003

Mexican Tapestry Weaving—Joanne Hall, 1976, copy 1

Mexican Tapestry Weaving—Joanne Hall, 1976, copy 2

Mexican Tapestry Weaving—Joanne Hall, 1976, copy 3

Miniature Patterns for Hand Weaving: Part II—Josephine E. Estes, 1958

Miniature Patterns for Handweaving, Part I—Josephine E. Estes, 1956

Mira Loom—instructions for construction and use.

Monsterblad—Foreningen for Svensk #3 and #4 (monographs)

Moorman Inlay Technique for Rigid Heddle—Karen Searle

More Than Four—Mary Elizabeth Laughlin, 1976

Multiple Tabby Weaves—based on Dr. William G. Bateman’s manuscript. Edited by Virginia Harvey, 1981

Nature’s Colors: Dyes from Plants—Ida Grae

Natural Dyes and Home Dyeing—Rita J. Adrosko

Navajo and Hopi Weaving Techniques—Mary Pendleton, 1977, copy 1

Navajo and Hopi Weaving Techniques—Mary Pendleton, copy 2

Navajo Native Dyes: Their Preparation and Use—Nonabah Bryan and Stella Young, 1978

Navajo Rugs: Past, Present, and Future—Gilbert Maxwell, 1963

Navajo Techniques for Today’s Weaver—Joanne Mattera, 1975

Navajo Weaving—Charles Amsden, originally 1934

Navajo Weaving, Patterns and Sources of—WD Harmsen 1977 *OS

Navajo Weaving Three Centuries of Change—Kate Peck Kent

Navajo Weaving Way: The Path from Fleece to Rug—Noel Bennett and Tiana Bighorse, 1997

Navajo Weaving, Patterns and Sources—W.D. Harmsen, 1977 (oversize)

Needle Tatting with Style: Book 1—Barbara Foster, 1997

Needlework Alphabets and Designs—Blanche Cirker, 1975

New Key to Weaving—Mary Black, 1945/1973

New Textiles, Trends, and Traditions, The—Chloe Colchester, 1991

Norwegian Pick-Up Bandweaving—Heather Torgenrud, 2014

Of Coverlets—Sadye Wilson and Doris Kennedy, 1983, copy 1

Of Coverlets—Sadye Wilson and Doris Kennedy, 1983, copy 2

Overshot: Manual for Creative Drafting and Weaving—Peter Mitchell, 1994

Paisley, The Art of—Ed Rossbach

Park Weaves—Bateman Manuscript—Virginia Harvey, SCG Monograph 37

Pattern Techniques for Handweavers—Doramay Keasbey

Patterns for Hand-weaving, A Book of—Landes

Patterns for the Weavette and Weave-It Looms—Licia Conforti

Pile Weaves, The—Jean Wilson 1974

Pine Needle Basketry—Judy Mofield Mallow, 1997

Plain Weave—Tina Ignell, 2022 (VAV editor)

Plaited Basketry—Shereen La Plantz

Playing With Blocks: Overshot—Erica Voolich

Point Twill with Color and Weave—Margaret Windeknecht, 1989

Program for a Weaving Study Group—Else Regensteiner, HGA

Rag Rug Handbook—Janet Meany and Paula Pfaff, 1988

Rag Rug Weaves: Patterns from Sweden—1986

Rag Rugs of England and America—Emma Tennant, 1992

Rags to …, From: A Baker’s Dozen—HGA, 1983

Rag Weaving Gimmicks & Tricks—Johanna Erickson, 1999

Recipe Book, The—Mary Meigs Atwater, 1957, copy 1

Recipe Book, The—Mary Meigs Atwater, 1957 (Salt Lake Guild), copy 2

Recipe Book, The—Mary Meigs Atwater, 1972, copy 3

Rep Weave and Beyond—Joanne Tallarovic, 2004, copy 1

Rep Weave and Beyond—Joanne Tallarovic, 2004, copy 2

Rigid Heddle Weaving, The Ashford Book of—Rowena Hart, 2002

Rigid Heddle Weaving, Hands on—Betty Davenport

Rocky Mountain Dye Plants—Anne Bliss, 1976

Romance of Textiles, The—Ethel Lewis, 1938

Rose Path Motif—Margaret Windeknecht 1987

Rug Weavers Source Book—compiled by Linda Ligon, 1984

Rug Weaving for Everyone—Tod and Del Deo, 1957, # 1

Rug Weaving Techniques: Beyond the Basics—Peter Collingwood, 1990

Rug Weaving: Techniques for Two Harness—Joanne Mattera, 1979, copy 1

Rug Weaving: Techniques for Two Harness—Joanne Mattera, 1979, copy 2

Samplers You Can Use—Penelope Drooker

ScarvesHandwoven Editors 1999

Sectional Warping Made Easy—Russell Groff, 1972

Sett and Weaving of Tartans, The—Mary E. Black, 1959

Setts of the Scottish Tartans, The—Donald C. Stewart, 1950

Seven Projects in Rosepath—Berta Frey, 1947

Shuttle-Craft Book of American Hand-weaving, The—Mary Meigs Atwater, 1928 and 1951, copy 1

Shuttle-Craft Book of American Hand-weaving, The—Mary Meigs Atwater, 1966 edition (from Ray Bjork), copy 2

Shuttle-Craft Book of American Hand-weaving, The—Mary Meigs Atwater, 1928 and 1951, copy 3

Shuttle-Craft Guild Beginner’s Handweaving Manual, The—Harriet C. Douglas, 1947

Silk – Notebook of Silk Samples, Raw and Spun—Pam Achenbach

Silk “Paper” Creations for the Fibre Artist—Judith Pinnell, 2004

Silk and Wool Suitings (samples) —Elmer Wallace Hickman

Silk Worker’s Notebook, A—Cheryl Kohlander, 1979, (handmade)

Sling Braiding of the Andes—Adele Cahlander

Soumak Workbook—Jean Wilson

Spanish Textile Traditions of New Mexico and Colorado—Museum of International Folk Art, Santa Fe, 1979

Spin Art—Jacy Boggs, 2011 (DVD included in book)

Spin It—Lee Raven, 2003

Spin to Knit—Shannon Okey, 2006

Spinners Book of Fleece—Beth Smith 2014

Spinners Companion, The—Bobbie Irwin, 2001

The Spinner’s Notebook (and supplement): All About Wool—Raffino, Jonelle

Spinning Designer Yarn—Diane Varney

Spinning and Weaving with Wool—Paula Simmons, 1978

Split Ply Twining—Virginia Harvey, 1976

Spot Weave or Bronson Weave—Mary Atwater, 1948

Sprang, The Techniques of— Peter Collingwood, 1974

Step by Step Weaving—Nell Znamierowski

Story of Navajo Weaving, The—Kate Peck Kent, 1961

Structure of Weaving, The—Ann Sutton

Summer and Winter—Donna Sullivan, 1991

Summer and Winter and Other Two-Tie Unit Weaves—Harriet Tidball, 1966

Summer and Winter: Technique and Variations—Annis Jefferson, 1977

Summer and Winter Weave: Then and Now—Mary Atwater, 1947

Swedish Rag Rugs: 35 New Designs—Vav Magasinet, 1995

Swedish Weaving—Thelma Nye, 1972, copy 1

Swedish Weaving—Thelma Nye, 1972, copy 2

Taaniko: Maori Handweaving—Joyce Ronald Smith, 1975

Table Linens: A workshop with Virginia West (samples)—19??

Tablemats and Beyond: A Baker’s Dozen—HGA Publication

Tapestries From Egypt—Paul Hamlyn, 1961

Tapestry Weaving—Kirsten Glasbrook, 2002

Tapestry Weaving—Nancy Harvey, 1991

Tapestry Weaving, The Guide to Successful—Nancy Harvey, 1981

Tartan Map, The Official—??

Tassels—Doris Hoover and Nancy Welch

Tatting for Today—Marion Leyds/Terri Italia, 1983

Technique of Freeform Design, The—Nancy Searles, 1984

Technique of Split-Shed Weaving, The—Deborah Silver, 2020

Technique of Tablet Weaving, The—Peter Collingwood (First edition)

Techniques of Weaving, The—John Tovey, 1975

Technique of Woven Tapestry—Tadek Beutlich, 1979, copy 1

Techniques of Rug Weaving, The—Peter Collingwood, copy 1

Techniques of Rug Weaving, The—Peter Collingwood 1968, copy 2

Textil Peruano (brief guide to Peruvian textiles)—??

Textile Structure and Analysis: A Home Study Course in 12 Lessons—Harriet Tidball, 1966

Textile Structure and Analysis: A Home Study Course in 12 Lessons—Harriet Tidball, 1966

Textile Tools of Colonial Homes, The—Marion Channing, 1969

Textures and Patterns for the Rigid Heddle Loom—Betty Davenport, 1980. Original copy (replaced 2020)

Thick-n-Thin: Best of Weavers—Madelyn van der Hoogt, editor, 2001

Time to Weave—Jane Patrick, 2006

(110) Treadlings of Twill—Berta Frey (green folder; monograph)

Triangle Frame Loom Instructions and Patterns—Carol Leigh

Twill and Twill Derivatives—Lucille Landis, 1977

Twills, Tweeds and All Wool Fabrics—Harriet Douglas, 1949

Twined Rag Rugs—Bobby Irwin, 2000 (2 copies)

Two Hundred (200) Patterns for Multiple Harness Looms—Russell E. Groff, 1979, Second edition, 1987

Tying Up the Countermarch Loom—Joanne Hall, 2004

Virginia West Swatch Book (samples)—Virginia West, 1985

Warp and Weave—Robert LeClerc, 1971

Warping Your Loom & Tying On New Warps: Book Two of New Guide to Weaving—Peggy Osterkamp, 1998

Weave Classic Crackle & More—Susan Wilson, 2011

Weave It Yourself—Flora Dee Goforth, 1947 (oversized)

Weave Leno—Martha Reeves, 2016

Weaver’s Book, The—Harriet Tidball, 1978

Weaver’s Book of 8 Shaft Patterns—Carol Strickler, copy 1

Weaver’s Book of 8 Shaft Patterns—Carol Strickler, copy 2

Weaver’s Book of Towels—Holly Fox and Phyllis Jarvis, 1989, #1

Weaver’s CompanionHandwoven magazine

Weavers Draft Book and Clothiers Assistant—John Hargrove, 1792 (reproduction, 1979 American Antiquarian Society)

Weavers’ Idea Book: Rigid Heddle—Jane Patrick, 2010, copy 1

Weavers’ Idea Book: Rigid Heddle—Jane Patrick, 2010 ,copy 2

Weavers Study Course—Else Regensteiner, 1975

Weavers Wearables—Virginia West, 1979 (replaced, 2020)

Weavers Wordfinder—Harriet Tidball

Weavers and Other Workers—Jennie Hall, 1917

Weaving: A Handbook for Fiber Craftsmen—Shirley Held, 1973

Weaving a Life: The Story of Mary Atwater—Mary Jo Reiter, 1992

Weaving a Navajo Blanket—Gladys A Reichard, 1974

Weaving A Traditional Coverlet—Helen N. Jarvis, 1989, copy 1

Weaving A Traditional Coverlet—Helen N. Jarvis, 1989, copy 2

Weaving and Drafting Your Own Cloth: Book Three of the New Guide to Weaving—Peggy Osterkamp, 2005

Weaving as an Art Form: A Personal Statement—Theo Moorman, 1975

Weaving at the Little Loomhouse—Lou Tate, 1940

Weaving Book: Patterns and Ideas, The—Helene Bress (missing)

Weaving Contemporary Rag Rugs—Heather Allen, 1998, copies 1 & 2

Weaving in Miniature—Carol Strickler and Barbara Taggart, 1980

Weaving is Creative—Jean Wilson, 1972

Weaving Is for Anyone—Jean Wilson, 1967

Weaving Is Fun—Jean Wilson, 1971

Weaving Iridescence—Bobbie Irwin, 2017

Weaving Made Easy: 17 Rigid Heddle Projects—Liz Gipson 2008

Weaving on 3 shafts—Erica de Ruiter, 2017

Weaving Overshot: Redesigning the Tradition—Donna Lee Sullivan, 1996, copies 1 & 2

Weaving Tricks—Susan Gilmurry

Weaving with Foot-Power Looms: With Drafts for over 285 Traditional Patterns—Edward F. Worst, orig 1918; 1974 reproduction

Weaving with Reeds & Fibers—Osma Gallinger Tod and Oscar H. Benson, 1975

Weaving You Can Use—Jean Wilson, 1975

Weaving You Can Wear—Jean Wilson with Jan Burhen, 1973

Weaving, Spinning, and Dyeing Book, The—Rachel Brown, 1998

Weft-faced Pattern Weaves: Tabby to Taquete—Nancy Hoskins, 1992

Weft Twining—Virginia Harvey and Harriet Tidball, Monograph 28, 1969, copy 2

West African Narrow Strip Weaving—Venice and Alastair Lamb, 1975

Winding a Warp and Using a Paddle: Book One of the New Guide to Weaving—Peggy Osterkamp, 1997

Wool Grade and the Sheep That Grow the Wool—American Wool Council

Working With the Wool: How to Weave a Navajo Rug—Noel Bennett and Tiana Bighorse, copy 2 (Lorri)

Working with the Wool: How to Weave a Navajo Rug—Noel Bennett and Tiana Bighorse

Woven Shibori—Catharine Ellis, 2005

Woven Silk—Hilary Chetwynd, 1982

Woven Works—John and Karen Hamamura 1978

You Can Weave! Projects for Young Weavers—Kathleen Monagham and Hermon Joyner, 2000

Your Yarn Dyeing—Elsie G. Davenport, 1972

Videos (DVDs)

ANWG Conference 2011, Salem, OR

ANWG Conference 2013, Bellingham, WA

Card Weaving—Candace Crockett

Convergence: 2010, Albuquerque, NM

Convergence: 2012, Long Beach, CA

*Dress Your Loom the Swedish Way—Becky Ashenden (Out)

Dressing Your Swedish Drawloom—Becky Ashenden

Dye workshop—HWSG

Fiber Preparation and Multicolor Blending Techniques—Deb Menz

Gentle Art of Plying, The—Judith MacKensie, 2014 (2 discs)

How I Spin—Rita Buchanan, 2014 (2 discs)

Inkle Weaving A to Z—Jane Patrick, 2013

Introduction to Weaving—Deborah Chandler

Knit Kin: Advanced Techniques

MAWS 2008: Documentary—(2 discs)

Navajo Weaving: Sharing the Technique and Tradition—Angie Walker Maloney/ Susanne Clark

Peter Collingwood: Weaver—Complex Weavers

Spinning and Weaving the Ashford Way—1999

Triangle Frame Loom Weaving Magic—Carol Leigh

Warping the Loom: Back to Front—Peggy Osterkamp

Weaving Rep—Rosalie Neilson, 2013 (2 discs)

Weaving Well—Madelyn van der Hoogt, 2011 (2 discs)

Notebook: Design Collection—Interweave Press

  • 1. Simple Summer Tops
  • 2. Table Linens
  • 3. Gifts
  • 4. Outerwear
  • 5. Dishtowels
  • 6. Not for Beginners Only
  • 7. Simple Styles
  • 8. Just rags
  • 9. No-sew Garments
  • 10. Terrific Table Toppers
  • 11. Heirloom Table Linens
  • 12. Great Cover-ups
  • 13. Super Simple Tops
  • 14. Weaving for Baby
  • 15. Sensational Scarves
  • 16. Kitchen Collection
  • 17. Jackets and Pullovers
  • 18. Treasury of Towels
  • 19. Scarves and Shawls for All Seasons


Daughters of the American Revolution: Coverlets—April, 1985

Handwoven Index: 1980–2006

Handwoven Index: 2007–2014

Handwoven Magazine: 1980–1981

Handwoven Magazine: 1982–1983

Handwoven Magazine: 1984–1985

Handwoven Magazine: 1986–1987

Handwoven Magazine: 1988

Handwoven Magazine:1989

Handwoven Magazine: 1990–1991

Handwoven Magazine: 1992–1993

Handwoven Magazine: 1994–1995

Handwoven Magazine: 2006–2009

Handwoven Magazine: 2013–2015

Handwoven Magazine: 2016–2018

Handwoven Magazine: 1977–1980

Looming Arts (samples)—Mary Pendleton, 1973–1976

National Geographic: Silk, The Queen of Textiles—Vol. 165, No. 1 (Jan. 1984)

National Geographic: Wool, Fabric of History—Vol. 173, No. 5 (May 1988), pp. 552–591

Southwestern Indian Arts and Crafts—Tom Bahti

Threads In Action—Sept. 1969, Fall, 1973

Warp and Weft (samples)—April 1973–March 1978 (monthly publication from Robin and Russ Handweavers)

Weavers Craft: Summer and Winter—Jean Scorgie, Fall 2003

Weavers Craft: Complementary Plain Weave—Jean Scorgie, Spring 2002

Weaver’s Journal—1979–1980

Weaver’s Journal—1981–1983

Notebooks and Monographs in Notebooks or Sleeves

Coverlet Workshop—Ken Colwell notebook with samples

Crackle Workshop—HWSG, 2004

The Shuttle-Craft Course in Handweaving—#1-15

The Shuttle-Craft Guild Course of Instruction in Handweaving with Samples—Harriet Douglas, Virginia City, 1949

The Shuttle-Craft Guild Bulletins—Jan. 1934–Dec. 1967 (most issues)

The Shuttle-Craft Guild Bulletins—Jan. 1952–Jan. 1967 (in booklet form)

The Shuttle-Craft Guild Style Sheets—Harriet Tidball #1– 48, 2 copies (oversize)

Handweaving with Robert and Roberta—quarterly study manual and workbook, 1977 (blue denim binder)

Nadine’s Projects with samples #1—donated 12/2017

Nadine’s Projects with Samples #2—donated 12/2017

Nadine’s Projects with Samples #3—donated 2017

Picture book of Nadine Shafer’s Work—1977–2017

Practical Weaving Suggestions—Lily Mills (green binder)

Sensational Stripes—Sarah Pilgrim, MAWS 2008 workshop

Summer and Winter Workshop—HWSG 2003

Wool Fabric Book—Harrisville Designs inc. samples (notebook section)

Workshop Notebook: Taming the Hue, 2015 and The Fab Four, 2006—Robin Spady; The SOIL (Beading) Workshop, 2004; Lace One Threading, Many Treadlings; Figured Pique 1989—Joyce Fletcher.

The Shuttle-Craft Guild Monographs: 1–28, 30 and 37—Tidball, Atwater, and Douglas (many with samples)

  • 1. The Double Weave
  • 2. Surface Interest: Textiles of Today
  • 3. Design and the Handweaver
  • 4. Woolen and Tweeds
  • 5. Scottish Tartans
  • 6. Mexican Motifs
  • 7. Contemporary Satins
  • 8. Peter Collingwood: His Weaves and Weaving
  • 9. Undulating Weft Effects
  • 10. Merry Christmas, Handweavers
  • 11. Handwoven Specialties: 62 Articles to make
  • 12. Contemporary Tapestry
  • 13. Thomas Jackson, Weaver, 17th and 18th Century Records
  • 14. Color Related Decorating Textiles—Tonya Rhodes
  • 15. Guatemala Visited
  • 16. Color and Dyeing
  • 17. Supplementary Warp Patterning
  • 18. Textile Structure and Analysis
  • 19. Summer and Winter And other Two-Tie Unit Weaves
  • 20. Two Harness Textiles: Loom Controlled Weaves
  • 21. Two Harness Textiles: The Open Work Weaves
  • 22. Brocade
  • 23. I. Build or Buy A Loom II. Patterns for Pick-ups
  • 24. Contemporary Costume: Strictly Handwoven
  • 25. Peru: Textiles Unlimited
  • 26. Peru: Textiles Unlimited Part II
  • 27. Weaving Inkle Bands
  • 28. Weft Twining
  • 30. Creative Monk’s Belt—Margaret Windeknecht
  • 37. Missing


Bertha Hayes Miniatures Sample Book

Four Harness Sample Exchange (samples from Russ Groff)

Helena Guild Annual Schedules and Membership

Helena Weavers and Spinners Guild History—several vol.

Miscellaneous magazines and Tie-Up, the newsletter of the Southern California Guild (Mary Meigs Atwater information)

Overshot Workshop Game Kit: Liz Tritthart, 2023

Photograph album of the 1996 MAWS Conference at the State Capitol

Wool Source List (3-ring binder)

MAWS Newsletters

Instruction Sheets from Guild Lectures, etc. in 3-ring binders

Multiple Notebooks from Guild Workshops

Complete Dye samples—Dyes of the Americas, Lichen Dyeing

Handwoven Index can be found at:

To Search HWSG Library: Open library list in Word and on the Home tab you will see a list of choices on the right side of the screen. Click on Find, enter a key word for your search, the options will be listed on the left of your screen.